What Is A Finsta?
It is a term that refers to a “fake Instagram” account, which is essentially a secondary or alternative Instagram account created by users in addition to their primary, or “Rinsta” (real Instagram), account. Unlike Rinsta accounts, often used to present a curated and polished image to a broader audience, Finstas are typically more private and intended for close friends or more minor, select groups.
On a Finsta account, users may share more candid, unfiltered, or personal content that they might not feel comfortable posting on their main Instagram profile. Finstas often serve as a space for users to express their true selves, share inside jokes, vent about their daily lives, or post content they wouldn’t want associated with their public persona.
The term “Finsta” is a portmanteau of “fake” and “Instagram,” reflecting its function as an alternative or supplementary account rather than a primary social media presence. While younger users often use Finstas, they have gained popularity among individuals seeking a more private and intimate space for social sharing on Instagram.
Check out some other terms you may encounter in the Creator economy here.