
Case Studies

Discover how Brands in your industry used Glewee to generate content, awareness, and conversions.

How BestBodiesForLife worked with fitness Creators to promote its healthy protein shake powders on social media.
How Soteri Skin leveraged the power of influential beauty Creators on Glewee to promote its skincare line.
How MOOV achieved a $6.25 Cost per Mile (CPM) by partnering with fashion Creators on Instagram.
How evian achieved over 365,000 impressions with four Creators and eight pieces of content on Instagram.
How Kickstart Social, a digital marketing agency, lowered its Cost per Lead (CPL) on Meta ads from $26 to $5 in one hour using one piece of content from a Glewee Creator.
How Rev Gum launched its new product with Glewee Creators and received 100,000+ impressions through the 50 Instagram Stories deployed.

Learn About The New Glewee Shopify Integration